Bill Young Photography

Stock Image Use

If you've bothered to click on this page, you probably understand that all of the images on this site are the property of Bill Young and may not be reproduced or used for any purpose without his consent.  To do so is a violation of international copyright law.  (There are lots of sites providing clip art; this is not one of them.)

Having said that, all the images on this site (and others) are available for commercial and editorial uses for an appropriate licence fee.  The agreement would typically license the use of the image for a specific purpose and time frame.  Prices will vary depending upon those conditions and whether a variety of images are being licensed.  Please contact us ( with your interest and specific requirements (perhaps there is an image on file that better suits your need than what is shown on the web site), as well as the details of the intended use of the image.

Please note that any people appearing in these photographs are not models, and no releases have been provided.  Hence if the person is recognizable, the image should be restricted to editorial uses only.

Delivery of images will be in the form of a digital file on CD, sent by courier.  (Only in very rare circumstances should it be necessary to release the original transparency or negative.)  At full resolution of the Nikon Super Coolscan 4000ED scanner, a file sufficient to produce approximately a 12x18 inch (300x450mm) print at 300ppi file resolution is obtained.  Raw files at 8-bit per channel are then about 60MB in size.  All files are processed to remove dust and scratches, and adjusted in Adobe Photoshop7, but will not have been subjected to any sharpening function.  The colour space used is AdobeRGB (1998).  Files can be saved in any of the standard formats (e.g. TIFF or JPEG), so please indicate your preference.


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All images copyright Bill Young 2002.  All rights reserved.