Bill Young Photography

About Bill Young, and favourite links


Born in Toronto, I have made Ottawa home for most of the last 25 years, and while I have been taking photographs for many years, it is only in the last ten years or so that I have devoted significant effort to improve my images. Over the last eight years I have participated in workshops to both enjoy the art form with like-minded people, and be pushed to do better work. Workshops with Richard Martin in the St. Lawrence Valley, and Garry Black in Ottawa, New Hampshire, PEI, and Greece have forced me to look with fresh eyes at the world around us. I have also taken workshops with the Rocky Mountain School of Photography in the Redwoods N.P. in California with David Middleton as instructor, and twice to Yellowstone N.P. in Wyoming with Tim Cooper and Doug Johnson as instructors.  Most recently I was fortunate to finally attend a Freeman Patterson/Andre Gallant workshop in New Brunswick.

I enjoy looking at the work of fellow photographers, and so hope that they enjoy viewing mine.  I believe our shared goal is to encourage everyone to simply look at the beauty in the world around us.  The real reason that I take the specific images that I do is still a bit of a mystery to me, and a matter of on-going exploration.


My interests in photography are varied: capturing the natural landscapes in the many moods and lighting presented to me; urban landscapes, architectural forms, as well as man’s relationship to his urban environment; as well as abstracts of simple form and colour using just about any subject matter.


Most of the images on this site were taken primarily with Nikon 35mm camera equipment, although some of the black and white shots were taken with a Mamiya C330f medium format camera.  For 35mm work, I usually shoot Fuji Velvia or Provia transparency film.  I have recently switched to digital capture, and also from Nikon to Canon equipment, and the Venice and Greece images are all from digital cameras.

I’ve had a solo exhibition of landscapes from Yellowstone National Park at the National Press Club in Ottawa in September 2002; a joint exhibition at the Balderson Gallery (Balderson, Ontario) in July 2003 with 9 other members of the RA Photo Club of Ottawa; and a 3-person exhibit on PEI at the Centrepointe Theater Gallery in Nepean in January-February, 2004.  One of the Yellowstone Winter images, Three Trees on a Hillside, was used in the Photo Life calendar as the December 2004 image, and a small selection of images were printed in the July 2005 Photo Life Readers' Gallery.  Most recently, four of the "Venezia - Fading Memories" images were entered in the International Photoawards Competition for 2005.  I was fortunate to receive a second place award in the Fine Art>Other Fine Art category.  Please view these as well as some very impressive work at

The Venice, Fading Memories images were on display in Toronto as part of the Contact Photo Festival (, in May 2006.


In addition to being a member of the RA Photo Club, I'm also a member of CAPA (Canadian Association for Photographic Art).

I feel I’m still on the toe of the learning curve, which is always a great place to be. I’m enthusiastic about the prospect that better images are always waiting to be exposed; better prints to be made.


In addition to links to Garry Black's site, Richard Martin's site, and the RMSP galleries with links above, here are some favourite web sites for inspiring photographs:


and here is a very informative site:


When not taking photographs, or working in Photoshop or printing, I have also made the odd bit of furniture.  Here are some efforts in this area.

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All images copyright Bill Young 2002.  All rights reserved.